Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weekend Assignment #332: Back To School

Weekend Assignment #332: Back To School

In just a couple weeks, students will be heading back to school. Share with us what that means in your life. Are you currently shopping for school supplies for the students in your life? Are you planning on going back to school? Maybe everyone around you is rushing to get ready for the new school year, but you can sit back and relax. Tell us what that's like.

Extra Credit: Tell us what you liked the most and disliked the most about the first day of school!

Here are the general guidelines for participating:

**1. Please post your response no later than than the deadline day and time given in each week's original assignment entry. You can do this either in a blog entry of your own or in the comments section of the assignment entry.

2. Please mention the Weekend Assignment in your blog post, and include a link back to the original entry. Using one of the logos shown here is encouraged but not mandatory.

3. Please come back here after you've posted, and leave a link to your entry in the comments to the assignment. Please post the URL itself rather than a live link.

4. Visiting other participants' entries is strongly encouraged!

5. We're always looking for topic ideas. Please see the "Teacher's Lounge" page for details. If we use your idea, you will be credited as that week's "guest professor."

6. We reserve the right to remove rude or unpleasant comments (not to mention comment spam), and to leave entries off the linking list if the person has been rude or unpleasant, or fails to mention the Weekend Assignment in the entry.

** This assignment closes at 9:00 PM, EST, next Wednesday. No submissions will be accepted after that time.

Here are the results for last week's assignment #331: Cake v Pie 08/12/10

Let's Eat Pie...


Let Them Eat Cake...




Carly, hey, that's me! :)


I don't usually quote you guys when I provide your links, but this week I really enjoyed something Stephen said, mostly because I agree with him completely! So, in breaking with my usual style, here is the quote of the week!

"(Thinking outside the box, though, I go with brownies and cookies. So there :P You can’t beat the warm, fresh-baked gooeyness of brownies and cookies.)"


Yep! :)



  1. Not only did I write this one, I remembered to post it!

  2. School in session? For me, that means taking two steps to the right on a narrow walkway.

  3. Today is the first day of school for my 10-year-old, so this is perfect timing!


Welcome! We're glad to hear from you. If you are leaving a link to your blog, please write out the whole URL, not just a live link. Thanks!